Stop Worrying about Stains and Spills with Washable, Stain-proof Braided Rugs
Do you have pets that walk with wet paws on your rug? Or kids who just seem to love to spill? Then you need washable and stain-proof braided rugs.
We all love our naughty kids and pets, but they make it difficult to own delicate things such as rugs. They do not realize the investment that your rug is – kids will be kids and will have spills, and a sweet puppy will accidentally...have an accident! Pets can also track mud, dirt, and other things which they may collect with their paws on your beautiful rug. A large, thick rug makes these mishaps more difficult to manage. Stain removal in such rugs is quite tough, and most require professional cleaning.
But no need to worry! Instead of relinquishing your home decor for your loved ones, bring home washable and stain-proof braided rugs. These rugs are designed to minimize these problems. Your child can even show off their artistic painting skills over these carpets without your having to worry! Just wipe it down afterwards. Even if your guest spills red wine on your rug, again, don’t fret, just hose it down afterwards!
Washable and stain-proof braided rugs are also a perfect option for the kitchen area. Stain- proof braided rugs absorb moisture quickly, within a few minutes, leaving it stain-free. So, you need not worry about spilled water or other liquids in your kitchen. You can simply lay these rugs over the spilled area, and you can wash them later if they get dirty. And they are nice to place by the sink because they look lovely and catch splashes.
Keep a few points in your mind while cleaning the rugs. Vacuum regularly to remove dirt, soil, and pet hairs. Always vacuum both sides of the rugs, and use an upholstery attachment if using a hand-vacuum.
Machine-washing may damage your rug; therefore, don’t wash them in the machine unless it is mentioned on the care tag. If your rug is machine-washable, first remove the solids and blot as much of the spilled liquid with a clean rag. Silk braided rugs should not be washed with water as it may leave stains on silk. Instead, call a professional rug cleaner to give your silk rug a proper treatment. In case of staining, you may use water and hydrogen peroxide in equal quantities to be dropped by a dropper on the stain. Don’t rub the stain; instead, blot it to avoid any damage to the fibers. This may help in lightening the stain. Many braided rugs need a dry-cleaning solvent which is readily available at most hardware stores. It is advisable not to use common stain removers like lemon juice and vinegar as they may fade the dye.
Stain-proof braided rugs come in different sizes and designs to let you chose according to your choice. Washable rugs are available in bold patterns and playful colors. Many of them are UV- treated, and mold, mildew resistant. This makes them a perfect indoor/outdoor decor item.
Many people think that these rugs are costly. But these washable braided rugs are available at prices to suit every pocket. These rugs are low maintenance and will fit anywhere in your home. So, bring home these rugs to add warmth to any space, especially if you have kids and pets!